Recommended brands

Places recommended brands (manufacturers) menu or block (depends from your design).

You can select a lot brands from the shop and limit their count inside block. Supports English, Russian and Portuguese languages.

Supports English, Russian and Portuguese languages.


  1. Extract everything from archive. You will see “upload” directory.
  2. Copy all from “upload” directory to your Opencart directory (via FTP or SFTP).
  3. Go to admin / Extensions / Modules and install Custom Manufacturer
  4. Go to admin / Extensions / Modules / Custom Manufacturer
  5. Configure Layout, Position and Quantity of Manufacturers, press Save Button
  6. Go to admin / Extensions / Modules / Custom Manufacturer / Edit and select manufacturers to show inside brands block on you place. Changes here applies immediately.

Setup video

Dowload extension from official OpenCart Store: Extension page



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